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Area of Work : One Health Operations

On 2-6 March 2024, the Collaborative Session of the global Quadripartite Executive Annual Meeting took place in Kenya. The session was attended by One Health focal points from Headquarters and Regional Offices from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), and WHO. The first two days of the session consisted of a field trip to Amboseli National Park, to explore the topic of One Health in a practical setting. During the trip, participants met with a local Maasai Community and the Kenya Wildlife Service to discuss interactions between people, wildlife, domestic animals, and their shared environment. The last two days of the session took place at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi and focused on discussing arrangements and priorities for implementation of the OH JPA and its implementation Guide at country level. The Collaborative Session provided an excellent opportunity to experience One Health related challenges at community level, and created space for reflection on the progress, challenges, and opportunities to strengthen coordination between the Quadripartite organizations at global and regional level. The four key areas of opportunity were: 1) implementing the OH JPA in countries using the implementation guide to translate theories into practice and to demonstrate success stories; 2) mobilizing resources through collective efforts; 3) ensuring that science and evidence guide all One Health interventions; and 4) maintaining political will and engagement to incorporate One Health principles into national strategies and policies. The NBW Program, Tripartite Zoonosis Guide, and other existing One Health Operation Tools were discussed in detail during the meeting, highlighting their value added towards operationalizing One Health at national and subnational levels. Also discussed and emphasized during the meeting was the need for guidance on selection and use of One Health operational tools.

Area of work