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Delivering Global Health Security through Sustainable Financing

Date: 26-27 July 2017 Country Republic Of Korea

The high-level meeting on “Delivering Global Health Security through Sustainable Financing” was convened by WHO and the Government of the Republic of Korea in Seoul on 26-27 July 2017. The aim of the meeting was to identify sustainable financing mechanisms and ways to increase and improve efficiency of global and domestic financing for health security.

Over 120 participants from countries, parliaments, international and regional organizations and financial institutions met in Seoul to review the progress made on the implementation of the IHR MEF and the national planning process for health security and to discuss how countries can elevate global health security on national agendas and attract funding both at national and international levels. The need to engage all sectors in the planning and financing processes and to advocate at the highest level of Government and to Parliament was emphasised.

A world café session gathered contributions from all participants on lessons learnt in making the case for sustainable health security investment. These contributions will be used to enrich the Framework for Sustainable Financing of health Security which was presented during the meeting. This global meeting provided an opportunity for partners, including the World Bank, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, the Asian Development Bank and others, to present and build on the work in financing preparedness.

Participants highlighted the need to accelerate national planning processes using a flexible, country-led and multisectoral approach underpinned by legal frameworks that provide a basis for collaboration between sectors. The alignment of NAPHS with national planning and budget cycle to avoid duplications and parallel programmes was reiterated. The meetings participants emphasised that only domestic financing can ensure the sustainability of health security investments.

WHO and partners will continue to support countries to implement the IHR MEF, develop national action plans and build their health security capacities. WHO will finalize the planning, costing and financing guidance.

Click this link to download documents from Seoul meeting.  

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