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Strengthening surveillance based on indicators, in prioritized health regions

From March 11 to 22, 2024, the sites prioritized by the Global Public Health Data Innovation (GPHDI) project were visited in the region of La Paz, Comayagua, Intibucá Atlántida, and Gracias a Dios.

"In the Intibucá region,  training processes continue to strengthen epidemiological surveillance and improve the response to notifiable diseases in Honduras. These actions represent a significant step forward in our ability to protect the health of our community," said the Dr. Ilich Tovar, from the Health Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health.

Eng. Wolfran Silva, PAHO/WHO consultant, mentioned that "Strengthening the implementation of the innovative Platform of the Health Surveillance System (SVS) will allow the efficient electronic registration of alerts for notifiable diseases."

Dr. Eimy Barahona, focal point of the GPHDI project, said that for the standardization of Data Collection we are supporting the Ministry of Health and developing standardized mechanisms to facilitate not only data collection but also the generation of critical indicators and analysis. of robust data".

Recognizing the importance of the human factor in the implementation of these tools, we are investing in the training of municipal coordinators, epidemiologists and data entry operators. Through our "Learn by Doing" methodology, they will acquire practical knowledge about the use of the platform, the generation of consolidated reports, the management of practical cases and much more. This will ensure the sustainability and replicability of knowledge at all levels of the Comprehensive Health Services Networks (RISS), concluded Barahona. 

The work tour will conclude on Friday, March 22, replicating this training in the Gracias a Dios health region.

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