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REPORT - HQ Technical Workshop on NAPHS (08 Nov 2023)

Area of work
European Region

On Wednesday 8 November 2023, WHO organized a workshop with technical teams in HQ on NAPHS, to discuss how health security planning can be better linked to the work that technical teams do in support of Member States capacity building efforts. This one-day workshop was a follow up to a series of in-person and online meetings with WHO HQ Technical Teams involved in supporting the development, assessment and review of national emergency preparedness using the International Health Regulations (IHR) Monitoring and evaluation framework (MEF) tools. It was intended to encourage and maintain the provision of capacity building support from WHO HQ Technical Teams to WHO Member States, linking country priorities to the workplans of HQ Technical Teams, ensuring that technical support matches country needs for the implementation of the short- and long-term risk informed NAPHS.

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