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South Africa: Effective multi-level coordination to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Area of Work : Other Publications IAR Date: 2023-05-09 Region African Region Country South Africa

This video highlights how South Africa established effective multi-level coordination systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the first case was detected, South Africa had already developed a national plan for COVID-19 by adapting  its pandemic influenza plan. The country had also strategically decentralized its response by establishing incident management teams at both national and subnational levels in nine provinces.

When South Africa decided to conduct a COVID-19 intra-action review to reflect and improve its ongoing COVID-19 response, these reviews were conducted both at national level and subnational levels in nine provinces. This helped identify ways to improve existing systems and bring more partners onboard.

Overall, South Africa’s recognition of the importance of decentralising its response while maintaining effective coordination through the various levels serves as an exemplary role model for peer countries. 

Photo credit: South Africa Ministry of Health and WHO South Africa Country Office.

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