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The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board publishes Monitoring Framework for Preparedness, assessing the world’s readiness for the next pandemic

Date: 2023-05-05

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) has today unveiled its  Monitoring Framework which is designed to provide an assessment of where the world stands in relation to pandemic risks and preparedness.

The Monitoring Framework offers an evidence-based resource for the world that can uncover the core gaps and challenges in preparedness, identify the most impactful actions, and enable leaders to prioritize efforts and take effective action.

The global failure to stop the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted an urgent need for leaders to commit to and invest in preparedness in order to manage the existential threat of pandemics. COVID-19 showed the shocking extent to which the world was unprepared, across all sectors and levels of society. Weak coordination and leadership, and profound inequities in access to vaccines and other medical products have contributed to more than seven million deaths and upended societies. The world urgently needs to invest in the right systems, financing and governance structures, as well as responsible leaders and empowered communities to prevent another pandemic. However, to ensure investments have the greatest impact, they must be linked to objective, evidence-based monitoring and stronger accountability. 

The GPMB Monitoring Framework is designed to provide a risk-based, multisectoral assessment of global capacities and capabilities for prevention, preparedness, and resilience across three dimensions: 

  • Risks and determinants of health emergencies
  • Capacities and capabilities for prevention, preparedness, and resilience
  • The impact of prevention, preparedness, and resilience measures on reducing the likelihood and consequences of health emergencies

The GPMB will use the Monitoring Framework to regularly report on global pandemic risks and the state of the world’s prevention, preparedness, and resilience. The Framework will be implemented for this first time this year in the GPMB’s 2023 report to be published in September 2023.

The Monitoring Framework indicators will evolve over time, as new risks are identified and new knowledge on measures to strengthen prevention, preparedness, and resilience emerges, to ensure it continues to capture the most impactful, predictive, and actionable indicators.

An overview of the Monitoring Framework can be found here.

The full Monitoring Framework can be found here.

About the GPMB:

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) is an independent monitoring and accountability body to ensure preparedness for global health crises. Co-convened by the Director-General of the World Health Organization and the President of the World Bank, the GPMB is comprised of globally recognized leaders and experts from a wide range of sectors, including health, animal health, environment, human rights, economics, law, gender, and development. It is tasked with providing an independent and comprehensive appraisal for policy makers and the world about progress towards increased preparedness and response capacity for disease outbreaks and other emergencies with health consequences. In short, the work of the GPMB is to chart a roadmap for a safer world. 

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