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Health Systems for Health Security

Area of work
Evidence and Analytics for Health Security (EHS)

The Health Systems for Health Security (HSforHS) Framework guides developing capacities for International Health Regulations (IHR), and components in health systems and other sectors that work in synergy to meet the demands imposed by health emergencies.

HSforHS offers an innovative and country-focused approach that builds on the lessons learned from recent health emergencies, including the COVID-19 Pandemic. The HSforHS Framework complements existing concepts and tools that support capacity-building for global health security.

The HSforHS Framework is structured to:

Support stakeholders to better understand what Health Systems for Health Security entails,
Delineate the essential components of health systems and other sectors that play an important role in health security,
Explain how countries can define, prioritize and monitor the actions and investments in health security, health systems and other sectors that can support multisectoral and multidisciplinary management of health emergencies,
Help partners and donors better support countries in strengthening their health security capacities, and
Highlight challenges related to the implementation of the HSforHS Framework.

Available in other Languages: English