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South Sudan Conducts Resource Mapping for enhanced Health Security

Area of Work : REMAP, NAPHS Date: 16 Feb 2022 Region African Region Country South Sudan


Following up on the December 2020 launch of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) of South Sudan (2020-2024), the South Sudan Ministry of Health, with support from the World Health Organization conducted a resource mapping (REMAP) and partner coordination workshop to facilitate the effective mapping of all domestic and internationally available technical and financial resources that can be applied to NAPHS implementation.

The workshop, held between 29-30 November 2021 in Juba, involved the use of the resource mapping (REMAP) tool and process which has been developed by WHO. The tool supports WHO Member States to map the health security projects that the government and donors are currently supporting in the country at national and subnational levels, allowing policymakers, donors, and partners to see where gaps exist and where more investment of financial and technical resources is needed. This provides valuable information for the country and at the same time offers visibility for the partners’ investments as well as opportunities to enhance greater alignment among all public health stakeholders involved in strengthening health security in the country. The planning and implementation of the REMAP workshop was supported by colleagues across all three levels of the organization (WHO HQ, the WHO Regional Office for Africa and the WHO Country Office in South Sudan.


Sean Cockerham, Technical Officer, presenting the REMAP tool to the workshop participants. Juba, South Sudan

The exercise resulted in the initial mapping of more than $183 million in health security interventions in the country, and the identification of which health security disciplines and technical areas are being supported across the country. The mapping found extensive partner support in areas such as rapid response and surveillance, and major gaps in areas such immunization. The mapping, which continues in the country with WHO support, will be built upon further to advance continued alignment and partnership strengthening among national stakeholders and international donors that are working jointly to address preparedness gaps and risks in South Sudan.


Group Work during REMAP workshop in South Sudan

The REMAP tool is also being used to track implementation of the country’s NAPHS activities and to identify human resource needs to complete prioritized activities.

Area of work