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New data from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan provides insights on health systems

Area of Work : Health System & UHC, Communicable Diseases, Civil unrest/conflict Date: 18-01-2022

WHO/Europe and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies have launched a new series of reports that provide key information and data on health systems in non-European Union (EU) countries of the WHO European Region.

The new ‘Health Systems in Action Insights’ are pilot reports that cover the 5 countries of Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The Insights will support these countries with the latest information on progress and challenges in their national health systems, while building a baseline so they can track the progress of their health systems over time.  Crucially, the reports will also allow countries to see their health systems in a wider comparative context and learn from each other.

The Insights follow a common template that provides analysis and detailed guidance on financing and resourcing health systems, key health challenges, health workforce availability and training, and a spotlight on the impact of COVID-19 on national health services.

“In a concise and digestible way, the new reports include important insights and information on how countries’ health systems are faring across key areas such as financial protection, access to essential services and primary care,” said Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Director of Country Health Policies and Systems at WHO/Europe. “This new set of data will be key as countries move forward with strengthening and rebuilding their health systems beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The Insights for each country:

  • provide concise and accessible data on health systems;
  • highlight progress and challenges facing national health systems;
  • build a baseline so that countries can assess how their health systems develop over time and in relation to other countries; and
  • explain the context in which the country’s health system is addressing the priorities of the WHO European Programme of Work (EPW), United Action for Better Health.

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