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Partnering with the Private Sector to Meet Health Security Needs

Date: 06-12-2021

The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) is a group of 70 countries, international organizations, non-government organizations, and private sector companies that collaborate to achieve the vision of a world safe and secure from global health threats posed by infectious diseases. The WHO, as a GHSA Permanent Advisor, provides advice and guidance to facilitate GHSA alignment with multilateral health security efforts. To realize its vision, the GHSA leverages and complements the strengths and resources of multisectoral and multilateral partners to address priorities and gaps in efforts to build and improve country capacity and leadership in the prevention, early detection, and effective response to infectious disease threats.

The Private Sector Roundtable (PSRT) on Global Health Security, as a member of the GHSA, mobilizes industry to help build countries’ capacity to prevent and prepare for health emergencies. We are committed to strengthening health system resiliency and developing the human capital required to help save lives and ensure business continuity. The PSRT is a coalition of diverse companies committed to leveraging private sector expertise and resources to help achieve the vision of a world safe from global health threats.

As a member of the Steering Group of the Global Health Security Agenda, we are the voice of the private sector within the global health security community and recognize that improving health security requires a multi-sectoral approach. PSRT members are eager to support GHSA countries and stand ready to provide countries with private sector innovations, tools, and trainings to support their National Action Plans for Health Security. The PSRT offers many of its capabilities to countries free of charge and is working with the GHSA to make them widely accessible.

The following are examples of the resources PSRT members are making available to strengthen countries’ and regions’ health security – especially relevant given the urgency of the COVID-19 response.

PSRT Members’ Technical Capabilities to Build Capacity and Develop Human Capital

  • Laboratory Quality: A scorecard that outlines requirements for delivering quality assured AMR lab testing to help support effective use of lab data for patient management and surveillance –developed by the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) in collaboration with BD
  • Supply Chain/Logistics: Facilitating last mile distribution of 20 million COVID-19 vaccines to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); providing technical assistance and loaned manager support for ministries of health in 18 LMICs; and using drones to deliver 50,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine and ultra-cold portable freezers to store and distribute over 30 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine across 4 continents – from UPS
  • Data Analysis & Visualization: An online platform to help identify gaps in health security and prioritize investments based on countries’ qualitative and quantitative data on their health security capabilities as well as economic and demographic data sources – built by Qlik
  • Monitoring Vaccinations: A vaccination monitoring platform that uses innovative technology and analytics to support vaccine adherence, ensuring correct administration of vaccines, follow-up/recall of vaccinated persons and understanding of campaign effectiveness – created by Johnson & Johnson
  • Laboratory/Diagnostics Education: Education for clinical staff – especially laboratory leaders and medical directors – physicians and government agencies on the importance of diagnostic testing and how to assess various testing options and develop comprehensive testing strategies based on country need, including an AI-based algorithm (for educational use only) to predict COVID-19 progression – developed by Siemens Healthineers
  • Communications: Strategic counsel, communications toolkit development, and staff training to help design country and disease-specific communications plans and build capacity in developing evidence-driven, collaborative strategic and creative communication practices – provided by McCann Health

The PSRT is also working directly with the Uganda Ministry of Health and has established a Memorandum of Understanding to provide support for health system strengthening. We hope to expand our partnerships and work with additional countries to improve global health security.

If there are specific health security needs in your country that you believe a company may be able to address, we invite you to reach out to the PSRT. We look forward to collaborating closely with countries to build innovative solutions and achieve the GHSA 2024 goals.