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Stories from the field

Date: 07-04-2021

Today is World Health Day 2021 and we are reminded that everyone, everywhere has the right to health. Unfortunately, this right is not realized for much of the world's population. Many people suffering from ill-health and diseases simply do not have access to the care they need. 

COVID-19 shows us explicitly that equity in health care, anchored in principles of universal health coverage (UHC), is at the heart of peaceful, prosperous and sustainable economies and societies. Whether in normal times or in crisis, all people, everywhere, including those who are most vulnerable, must have access to health services. 

Moving towards people-oriented primary health care (PHC), with equity in service delivery, strengthens health security and builds a resilient health system. This ultimately paves the way for a fairer, healthier world for all. PHC is essential to an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure preparedness for future public health crises. It is the best way for countries to achieve UHC and make urgent progress to achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals.

The UHC Partnership, one of WHO’s largest initiatives for international cooperation for UHC, is supporting governments to deliver their vision. We are delighted to present 6 new stories from the field, one from each of the WHO regions.

The stories demonstrate the depth and breadth of work that WHO, through the UHC Partnership, is undertaking to achieve health for all. They document the results of collaboration with governments, communities and our partners. 

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