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WHO and donors continue to provide critical support to countries fighting COVID-19

Date: 19/02/2021

WHO and donors continue to provide critical support to countries fighting COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, WHO and its partners keep up their support to countries around the world. Here are some ongoing activities WHO was able to carry out thanks to the vital backing of its many donors.

WHO and KSRelief support COVID-19 preparedness and response in Yemen

Hospital in Yemen. Story published by WHO/EMRO on 27 January 2021.

WHO and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief) of Saudi Arabia have joined forces in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen through a new project to support preparedness and response.

WHO will work with the Ministry of Public Health and Population to enable rapid detection and response to COVID-19 cases and clusters, including through an integrated, multisectoral coordination system at central and governorate levels. The initiative will also support emergency operation centres) across the country. In addition, twenty-six main entry points to Yemen will be equipped to enable rapid COVID-19 detection. The joint project will also enhance the testing capacity of central public health laboratories throughout the country and support the prevention of COVID-19 transmission in health and non-health settings.

This US$ 13 million project is part of a broader US$ 46 million agreement between the 2 organizations, that also includes projects on nutrition, water and environmental sanitation services, and delivery of essential health services. KSRelief has been the main funding partner of WHO Yemen in 2019–2020. The partnership has helped preserve Yemen's health system, including through support to the most vulnerable.

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