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Nigeria Advances NAPHS Implementation Through Resource Mapping

Region African Region Country Nigeria

WHO has been supporting the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control to successfully map the available resources across Nigeria’s 36 states and Federal Capital Territory for implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS).

The WHO Strategic Partnership for IHR and Health Security (SPH) supported the resource mapping in close collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Africa and the WHO Country Office Nigeria. A validation workshop was held in the capital city of Abuja from 23rd to 25th July to finalize the work.

Nigeria is the fourth country, after Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Ethiopia, to use the resource mapping tool (REMAP) developed by WHO to identify the existing and potential resources for NAPHS implementation.

The tool maps the health security projects that partners are supporting in the country through financial and technical assistance. This allows policymakers and partners to see where the gaps exist and where more investment of resources is needed in areas prioritized for implementation in the NAPHS.  

This provides valuable planning and coordination information for the country, and at the same time offers visibility for partner financial and technical investments in Nigeria. Data from the validation workshop in Abuja showed that about 87% of the resources at the sub-national level in Nigeria are being channeled towards the capacity of Prevent (as opposed to Detect, Respond or Other IHR-related hazards). Additionally, it was also identified that significant investments are being made in immunization, with significant donor and government investments in surveillance and laboratory as well.

The outcomes of the workshop also included, in addition to the visualization of the donor and partner landscape in Nigeria, the creation of a list of priority actions for focused implementation of the five-year NAPHS, broadening of the partner network for health security in the country, and establishment of the tool as a platform to coordinate efforts for NAPHS implementation and build strategic partnerships.

WHO will next support the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to convene a partner coordination meeting that will draw on the analysis of the resource mapping data for dialogue on aligning initiatives for NAPHS implementation.

Nigeria is also able to use the resource mapping tool, which measures country progress in completing NAPHS activities, to track the ongoing implementation of its NAPHS and make adjustments as needed.

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