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IHR-PVS National Bridging Workshop, CHAD

Date: 29-31 October 2018 Region African Region Country Chad

Joint use of the outputs of WHO and OIE evaluation tools to improve One Health approach to tackle zoonotic diseases


A three-day national bridging workshop was convened in N’Djamena to support national experts in developing and implementing activities to improve collaboration between the human, animal and environmental sectors. The 29-31 October workshop was attended by 70 multi-sectoral participants, including representatives from the human, animal, agriculture and environmental sectors, as well as partners such as the World Bank and MSF-Holland.


Experts used an interactive approach to assess the level of collaboration between the sectors in 15 technical areas and to identify key gaps. The results were linked with the findings of the country’s Joint External Evaluation (JEE) and the OIE PVS evaluation previously conducted in the country. A roadmap of joint activities was then developed to improve the collaboration between sectors.

Based on the results, a set of key recommendations was made to the government and partners to strengthen the One Health approach in Chad —and address country challenges such as emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance and environmental problems.

The closing ceremony was chaired by the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Rohingalao Ndoundo, who stressed that the recommendations of the workshop, specifically the creation of the "One Health" platform and implementation of multisectoral activities, are a priority for the government.