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Highlights on Ebola preparedness in Democratic Republic of Congo and surrounding countries

Region African Region Country Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Since the beginning of the response to the 10th Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in DRC (N. Kivu), particular attention is given to EVD readiness and preparedness measures in the neighboring provinces to contain the outbreak within the epicenter and also to scale up capacities for prevention, detection and case management should there be any spill over.

A three tiers approach has been taken to fast track the EVD preparedness in the neighboring provinces.

  1. A 30 days plan was implemented from mid-September until mid- October by the Ministry of Health (MoH) supported by WHO and partners in 6 high-risk provinces namely Haute Uele, Bas Uele, Maneima, Tanganiyka, Sud Kivu and Ituri. The main achievements of this one-month plan in six provinces include the training Of 237 rapid response team members, the evaluation of 37 out of 55 identified points of entry, the distribution of infection prevention and control kits to all provinces, the training of 685 community leaders and 33 alerts investigations and extensive risk communications in all levels of communities.
  2. To sustain the capacities put in place, the readiness plan has been extended for the next 90 days linking this to the Strategic Response Plan. Also, considering the current unfolding situation in North Kivu, province Tshopo and Goma town in North Kivu were added to the extension plan.
  3. The MOH, along with WHO and partners have also developed a one year national emergency preparedness plan for EVD and other epidemics. The JEE recommendations were taken into account in the development of the plan. This plan will be rolled into the DRC National Action Plan for Health Security.

Since the 9th EVD outbreak in DRC (Equateur), a Regional Strategic Plan was launched in neighboring countries (Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Zambia, Congo, Angola, Central African Republic and Tanzania) to scale up readiness for EVD should there be any importation. Following the 10th outbreak, this plan was updated to reflect the evolving risks. The IHR Emergency Committee meeting for the EVD outbreak in DRC, convened on 17 October 2018, raised concerns about the very high risk of regional spread to neighboring countries and highlighted the need for accelerated preparedness actions in DRC and neighboring countries.

All three levels of WHO are working closely with the governments of the 9 neighboring countries and the partners to address major challenges of preparedness, particularly at the points of entries. While the preparedness actions are being implemented in DRC and in all the neighboring countries, substantial funding gaps for priority preparedness actions are noted that poses significant challenges on EVD risk management.