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Joint External Evaluation Orientation Workshop for Portuguese speaking countries– Praia, Cabo Verde

Date: 23-24 August 2018 Region African Region Country Cabo Verde

The WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), in collaboration with its Country Office in Cabo Verde, organized an orientation workshop for the Lusophone countries of the region on 23-24 August. Representatives of the Ministry of Health / IHR National Focal Points of Cabo Verde and Guinea Bissau attended the workshop. The overall objective of the workshop was to enable the Member States to proceed effectively with the implementation of the assessment of the IHR (2005) core capacities using the JEE tool.

The workshop featured presentations and discussions on the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, the JEE tool and process, including the self-assessment, the JEE country implementation guide and the various presentation templates used during the external evaluation. During the workshop a practical exercise was conducted. Participants had to choose a technical area and use the JEE tool to assess the capacities of their countries and prepare a presentation.

Upon their return, participants will work with their colleagues to develop a road map for the implementation of the JEE