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Development and Costed for National Plan Post JEE

Date: 15-17 November 2016 Country United Republic Of Tanzania

In order to support countries to implement and achieve the targets stipulated in the regional strategy for health security and emergencies, 2016-2020, there is a need to develop country action plans, following either a Joint External Evaluation (JEE) or other external Assessment. WHO plays the coordinating role and together with its partners, is supporting countries to develop Costed National Action Plans for Health Security that should provide a common framework to be implemented by all country stakeholders, within the broader realm of building resilient health systems and is anchored in the “One Health” approach. The aim of the workshop is to formulate a well-described national plan integrated with an implementation timeline and costing for developing sustainable capacities for IHR (2005) in line with IHR JEE recommendations. In addition, this workshop would like to ensure a good linkage and integration of JEE activities with sector-wide Health System Coordination and alignment platforms.