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Developing a roster of trained experts in the development and costing of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS)

Date: 12-13 June 2018

The Health Emergency Preparedness, Planning and Operational Readiness (HPR) team, in collaboration with the WHO Global Conference and Training Center, conducted a two-day “Training on the development and costing of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS)” which was held in Tunis, Tunisia, on 12-13 June 2018. The meeting was attended primarily by WHO staff. This training was designed to expand the number of NAPHS experts that can lead, conduct and support the NAPHS development and costing missions in countries.

The training comprised presentations on the “NAPHS for All”, a 3-step strategic framework, as well as panel discussions on country experiences in the development and costing of NAPHS in Regions. It also included discussions on the newly developed NAPHS planning matrix and costing tool, resource mapping and a series of workshops whereby each participant was able to have hands-on experience in planning and costing detailed activities in selected technical areas.

Upon completion of the training, the participants acquired an in-depth understanding of NAPHS, use of the existing WHO tool in costing NAPHS, in the development of the NAPHS narrative, as well as the use of the criteria checklist. In addition, the process of prioritization of NAPHS activities from inception to development and implementation was discussed.

Dr Yves Souteyrand,WHO Representative in Tunisia, in his closing remarks, congratulated the participants for the tremendous efforts in working together towards “promoting health, making the world safe and serving the vulnerable”.