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WHO support remains critical in countries and regions facing COVID-19 surges

Area of Work : WHO Date: 08-07-2021

While some parts of the world are experiencing a respite in COVID-19 cases, “countries in Africa, the Americas and Asia are now facing steep epidemics,” highlighted WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a recent media briefing. The world needs WHO now more than ever and the Organization continues to deliver support to countries facing ongoing challenges thanks to the generous support of its donors and partners. 

Democratic Republic of Congo: WHO delivers critical equipment with support from EU, Gavi and World Bank

Uploading medical equipment delivered by WHO. Published by WHO/AFRO in June 2021.

In recent weeks, in response to a deadly spike in COVID-19 cases, WHO urgently provided health facilities in Kinshasa with a supply of medical materials and equipment to strengthen care for a growing number of COVID-19 patients. Hospitals in the capital have been facing increasing pressure amid the circulation of variants of concern such as the Delta strain. The recent shipment is valued at US$200 000 and consists of respirators and accessories, oxygen concentrators, personal protective equipment and other items. WHO’s activities to fight COVID-19 in DRC are supported by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation (ECHO), Gavi and the World Bank.

Liberia: WHO boosts COVID-19 response amid case surge 

Dr Jallah, Min. of Health receives donated supplies from WHO. Published by WHO/AFRO in June 2021.

WHO recently delivered a substantial shipment of infection prevention and control supplies as well as COVID-19 laboratory diagnostic kits to the Ministry of Health in Monrovia. The supplies will both strengthen the country’s COVID-19 response and improve its preparedness for Ebola Virus Disease. The donation will help already stretched health facilities respond to a concerning rise is COVID-19 cases in the capital and surrounding areas. WHO has provided continuous support to Liberia through technical and financial support to fight the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring uninterrupted access to other essential health services.

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