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WHO continues to support countries to fight COVID-19

Area of Work : WHO, Communicable Diseases Date: 14-06-2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, WHO remains active around the world to support vaccination and information campaigns, deliver supplies, protect the vulnerable, maintain essential health services and more. WHO is able to continue its work to fight the pandemic around the world thanks to the continued generous support from its donors and partners.

WHO, diplomatic community and private sector join forces to increase vaccine uptake in Liberia


To tackle COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and increase uptake, delegates from WHO, the Liberian Ministry of Health and the British Embassy recently held an interactive event to strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration to fight misinformation. The first event of its kind addressed the vaccine and its benefits, provided clarity on the causes for vaccine hesitancy and focused on tactics to promote vaccine uptake. The event also included prominent Liberian influencers who will help spread the message to communities.

Also recently in Liberia, the WHO Country Office donated a consignment of essential medicines, infection prevention and control supplies and laboratory reagents to the Ministry of Health to control leprosy, enhance the national preparedness to Ebola, and strengthen the country’s response to COVID-19. 

WHO contributes to strengthening vaccination centres in Madagascar to help maintain essential health services

WHO recently supported the refurbishment of the latest in a series of six vaccination centres to maintain routine child vaccination during COVID-19. The new centre will be open every weekday and is meant to the reduce large crowds present at the previous centre. WHO and the Ministry of Public Health also continue to work with partners to scale-up vaccination in very ‘hard-to-reach’ and poor performing areas. Despite challenges due to COVID-19, WHO has been working with national authorities to achieve the objectives of the 2021-2030 Immunization Agenda – at least 90% of immunization coverage for all antigens at the national level and at least 90% in each district. 

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