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Intra-Action Review (IAR) for course correction and refinement of current COVID-19 response strategies in Kosovo

Date: 11 November 2021

WHO Europe conducted a COVID-19 Intra-Action Review (IAR) in Kosovo[1] between 5-8 October 2021. The main objective of the IAR was to provide an opportunity to share experiences, collectively analyze and systematically document the ongoing response to COVID-19 by identifying challenges and best practices, with the aim of identifying priority actions.

The activity was financially supported by the EU Western Balkan Project whose aim is to strengthen and maintain all- hazard preparedness and response capacities in the Western Balkan region. Technical support was also provided by the Robert Koch institute.

The response pillar selection (on seven areas ranging from case management and infection prevention and control (IPC) to surveillance and public health and social measures) was based on priority needs and the review process was supported by a number of background documents including earlier assessment and capacity building missions.

The comprehensive review approach undertaken also offered an opportunity to review preparedness and response functions in general, resulting in long-term priority actions that can feed into generic health system strengthening and capacity building activities beyond COVID-19.

Thirteen cross-cutting short- and long-term recommendation were identified including investing the sustainability of human resources and the developed technical capacities during the pandemic, the revision of communicable disease legislation and the harmonisation and digitalisation of health information systems. The outcomes of the IAR include immediate and long-term recommendations were then presented to the donors’ community by participating health authorities.

[1] All references to Kosovo in this document should be understood to be in the context of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)

Intra-Action Review (IAR) for course correction and refinement


Intra-Action Review (IAR) for course correction and refinement