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Integrating biological hazards in national disaster management policy: a call for whole of society action

Date: 26 May 2022

26 May 2022


Participation registration link, click here

For more information on this side event, click here



The global experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that whole-of-society action supported by effective leadership and governance is required to manage the systemic risks associated with biological hazards. The pandemic has challenged risk governance in countries and catalyzed changes and innovations in policies, legislation, coordination mechanisms, financing and effective risk management that have significant implications for future disaster risk reduction policy and practice. Collaborative partnerships, good practices, lessons learned, and evidence generated during COVID-19 will need to be institutionalized in order to strengthen systems and capacities to manage risks of disease outbreaks and other types of emergencies.
Panelists will discuss how the experience and insights gained from the pandemic can help leaders, managers, policy makers, planners, and practitioners on applying all-hazards, whole-of-society and risk management approaches to national and local disaster risk management strategies. Emphasis will be placed on country efforts to address the needs of the most vulnerable populations and ensure that no one is left behind.


26 May 2022 part 2






















Contact details for the WHO Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Unit:

1. Dr. Kai von Harbou

2. Mr. Jonathan Abrahams

Or email: DRR

NB: In case of nil response after registration, it is advised to check your junk mail or spam. Find information on the side event on advancing DRR in building safe and resilient health facilities: lessons learnt from COVID-19 here