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GSPN : A multisectoral collaboration instrument to improve tomorrow's response by enhancing today's preparedness



The Global Strategic Preparedness Network (GSPN) is a WHO network for stakeholders to be hosted in the WHO Multisectoral Engagement for Health Security (MHS) Unit to support country health emergency preparedness capacity building. It aims to improve planning and coordination of long-term preparedness by promoting an inclusive, multisectoral, and sustainable approach to the development of capacities needed to implement National Action Plans (NAPHS). It is based on key principles such as multisectoral action, sustainability, solidarity, scientific integrity and accountability. The governance and structure of the GSPN are designed to facilitate coordination of activities, to ensure they align with the network's overall mission and objectives, and to preclude influences of individual or organization-specific agendas.

The establishment of GSPN is to implement the landmark resolution on Strengthening preparedness for health emergencies: implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2020 (WHA 73.8) which calls on Member States to “encourage, promote and share information about strategic partnerships and technical collaboration for preparedness, including those between relevant international, regional and national institutions, in particular national public health institutes, including through the WHO Global Strategic Preparedness Network”.

Moreover, it will contribute to the implementation of WHA resolution WHA 74.7 (2021) on Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies. Specifically, one of the key recommendations of the resolution calls on international actors, partners, civil society and the private sector to ”support all countries, upon their request, in implementing their multisectoral national action plans, in strengthening their health systems to respond to health emergencies, and in maintaining the safe provision of all other essential public health functions and services during them"

Roundtable Consultation: A strong input for GSPN from 77 stakeholders

On August 20th, more than 77 participants representing, among others, partner organizations, Member States, public health institutes, non-governmental organizations and international organizations participated in a roundtable GSPN brainstorming session organized by the MHS Unit.

They expressed strong support for GSPN and advocated for it to be driven by countries' needs and priorities at national and subnational levels. They also emphasized that the network should leverage current resources and best practices for the common good and constitute a clearly multisectoral project. Participants underlined the need for GSPN to ensure a right mix of experts, including on cross-cutting issues and to coordinate with existing bilateral technical assistance networks.

Partners and Member States will now be engaged further in in-depth discussions leading toward the 2022 launch of the network, including on governance and participation in thematic working groups.