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Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Launch of the IPU-WHO Handbook on Strengthening Health Security Preparedness

Area of Work : WHO, Multisectoral Date: 24 Mar 2022 Region South-East Asia Region Country Indonesia

144th IPU Assembly

24th March 2022, Bali - Indonesia

During the IPU Assembly the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Handbook for Parliamentarians No.34 - Strengthening health security preparedness: The International Health Regulations (2005).

Global health crises impact all segments of society, and no community in our world is fully protected against them. Recent public-health emergencies of international concern (PHEICs) include the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2018–20 Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the 2015–16 Zika virus epidemic, the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.

Each of these examples underscores how a public-health crisis can lead to significant health and economic losses and deprive people of opportunities.

Resilient health systems are vital for preparing for and responding to emergencies, and for maintaining essential health services during a crisis. The International Health Regulations (2005) are an important tool of international law, reflecting the commitment by States to prevent, detect and respond to emergency health risks.

Parliaments and parliamentarians play a unique and powerful role in achieving preparedness through their various responsibilities: law-making, oversight, budgetary allocation and citizen representation. High-level reviews of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic emphasize the importance of State capacity, social trust and leadership when it comes to preparedness. Parliaments and parliamentarians are extremely well positioned to help build and strengthen all three.

This handbook was created to enhance parliamentary contributions to health-security preparedness. It is designed to be used by parliamentarians and parliamentary staff
as they consider important aspects of preparedness that need to be established or strengthened at all levels including communities. The handbook contains key questions that can help guide parliamentarians in their capacity-building efforts.

Handbook Launch


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