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COVID-19 Situation in the North Amazon Basin - Tri-border Area - Brazil, Colombia and Peru

Date: 16/02/2021

Since January 2021, states in the north Amazon region of Brazil began experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases followed by a surge in deaths and hospitalization. While Amazonas State became the epicenter of the outbreak mid-January, neighboring northern States like Roraima and Rondônia quickly followed suite with weekly ICU bed occupancy rates around 88% and 96% respectively as of 9 February and testing percentage positivity at or close to 50% in both states. In neighboring Colombia (Amazonas) and Peru (Loreto), slight increases in cases and deaths compared to the previous months is observed along the border regions in both countries starting January 2021. Both regions have also been experiencing an increase in ICU bed occupancy since January 2021. 
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disproportionately affect vulnerable communities along the shared Amazon triple border area where approximately  57% of the population are indigenous peoples . The triple border area includes the cities of Tabatinga in Brazil (Amazonas State), Leticia in Colombia (Amazonas State), and Santa Rosa de Yavari town in Peru (Ramon Castilla Province, Loreto Region). 



• In the state of Amazonas, there are 359 patients awaiting hospital beds – 88 for ICU beds and 271 for non-ICU beds. This is the lowest number of patients awaiting for ICU beds since 7 January in Amazonas State when 44 patients were awaiting ICU beds. 
• Increase of ICU bed occupancy rate (%) due to non-COVID-19 cases has been observed in Manaus City, Amazonas State (mainly deterioration of untreated chronic diseases). 
• The ICU occupancy rate in Acre state has been above 80% since 1 February and reached the highest rate to date on 9 February at 95%. 
• Non-ICU hospitalization have shown an increasing trend in Rondônia state. Currently, the non-ICU occupancy rate is around 90%.
• As of 8 February, the oxygen supply in Tefé was still being delivered by the Air Force.
• PAHO/WHO teams have been deployed to Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima to assist local health authorities in surveillance, case management and health service organization. The ICU bed occupancy rates (%) in those states varied between 77% - 96% on 9 February 2021. 


• Leticia Municipality in Amazonas department (population ~50K) which is also part of the tri-border area with Brazil and Peru  has the second highest cumulative incidence of cases (8,912.2 cases with per 1 million population) and highest mortality rate (4,312.5 deaths per 1 million population) amongst all the municipalities in Colombia.  
• The number of COVID-19 cases admitted to ICUs began increasing at the end of January 2021 in the Amazonas Region of Colombia. 


• COVID-19 Hospitalizations began increasing in January 2021 in Loreto Region, Peru. 
• 90% (38/44) of the ICU beds in Loreto region were occupied as of 7 February 2021. 
• 11 patients are awaiting ICU beds with ventilation as of 7 February 2021 in Loreto Region.
• Majority of the hospitalizations occurred in Ramon Castilla province – the part of Loreto Region that sits on the tri-border area with Colombia and Peru.  

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