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Multi-sectoral preparedness coordination framework: Best practices, case studies and key elements of advancing multisectoral coordination for health emergency preparedness and health security”

Dear Partners and Donors,

We are pleased to attach the new HSP publication “Multi-sectoral preparedness coordination framework: Best practices, case studies and key elements of advancing multisectoral coordination for health emergency preparedness and health security” initiated in late 2018, and developed in consultation with Member States, partners, WHO regional and country offices. It addresses multisectoral engagement of relevant non-traditional stakeholders beyond the health sector for health emergency preparedness. The MPC framework provides an overview of key elements for overarching, all-hazard multisectoral coordination for health emergency preparedness and health security, informed by country best practices, case studies, and expert contributions. It recognizes the relevance, needs and contributions of non-traditional health sectors and stakeholders such as finance, foreign affairs, interior (urban preparedness), defense (military health sector), human-animal-environment as well as parliaments, non-state actors (academia and civil society) and the private sector for effective and sustainable health emergency preparedness. The framework is aimed at policy and decision-makers. 

While this document was elaborated pre-COVID 19, it reflects an important component of the whole-of-society approach to health emergency preparedness and the importance has gained momentum during the ongoing pandemic.  The COVID-19 pandemic has also underscored that it is critical to support countries at the national and sub-national level in building and maintaining viable multisectoral coordination well before a public health event or health emergency occurs, driven by a culture of, and a systematic approach to health emergency preparedness and health security.

We would like to extend our thanks to all partners who have contributed to this important area of work, as well as for the identification of country cases studies, and to OIE and FAO for supporting the multi-tiered development process. 

We are in the process of developing a facilitation methodology, tools and online package to support Member States to engage relevant sectors and stakeholders beyond health sector for effective health emergency preparedness, as a key component of the Whole of Society approach. These tools will be published on the WHO Open learning platform as well as Strategic Partnership Portal for Health Security.  We look forward to your contributions and inputs as we continue to the develop MPC tools.

For further queries, please contact Ludy SuryantoroRomina Stelter.