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Joint External Evaluation Orientation Workshop

Date: 8-10 May 2018 Region African Region Country Djibouti

The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), in collaboration with the WHO Country Office and Headquarters, organized a preparatory workshop for the upcoming Joint External Evaluation (JEE) in Djibouti from 9-10 May 2018. The workshop featured discussion of Djiboutian IHR capacities, led by the National Focal Point, as well as it provided an overview of the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, in addition to the JEE Tool and process.


Participants from multiple IHR sectors such as Health, Agriculture, Commerce and Border Control, also familiarized themselves with the evaluation Tool, and initiated the self-assessment questionnaire and report. The workshop concluded with each group presenting their JEE Technical Area’s capacities, implementation partners, and priority actions for the coming months.