Joint External Evaluation

Joint external evaluations is an integral part of a continuous process of strengthening capacities for implementation of the IHR. Its purpose is to measure country-specific status and progress in achieving the core capacity requirements under Annex 1 of the IHR. Priority actions are then provided as recommendations across the 19 technical areas that are being evaluated.

Updated on 12 Jul 2024
Resource Landscape
Country Start Date End Date Status Report
Oman Eastern Mediterranean Region
02 April 2017 06 April 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Mauritania African Region
27 March 2017 31 March 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Finland European Region
27 March 2017 31 March 2017 Conducted Attachments i
United Republic Of Tanzania (Zanzibar)
23 April 2017 28 April 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Guinea African Region
23 April 2017 28 April 2017 Conducted Attachments i
United Arab Emirates Eastern Mediterranean Region
19 March 2017 23 March 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Maldives South-East Asia Region
06 March 2017 10 March 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Kenya African Region
27 February 2017 03 March 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Lao People's Democratic Republic Western Pacific Region
17 February 2017 24 February 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Ghana African Region
06 February 2017 10 February 2017 Conducted Attachments i
Viet Nam Western Pacific Region
01 November 2016 06 November 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Tunisia Eastern Mediterranean Region
28 November 2016 02 December 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Sudan Eastern Mediterranean Region
09 October 2016 13 October 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Somalia Eastern Mediterranean Region
25 September 2016 30 September 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Sierra Leone African Region
31 October 2016 04 November 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Senegal African Region
28 November 2016 02 December 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Namibia African Region
28 November 2016 02 December 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Lebanon Eastern Mediterranean Region
11 July 2016 15 July 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Kyrgyzstan European Region
28 November 2016 02 December 2016 Conducted Attachments i
Jordan Eastern Mediterranean Region
28 August 2016 01 September 2016 Conducted Attachments i