Roster of experts

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  • Eric Gogstad

    Deputy Director for Management and Operations

    • JEE
  • Dr. Genevieve Howse

    Specialist Consultant in Health Law and Adjunct Associate Professor in Health Law

    • JEE
  • Gerasimos Gerolymatos

    • JEE
  • Dr. Gilles Poumerol

    • JEE
  • Glenn Lolong

    • JEE
  • Dr. Guenael Rodier

    • JEE
  • Indu Ahluwalia

    Branch Chief

    • JEE
  • Issa Dualeh

    • JEE
  • Mr. Jakob Quirin

    Legal Officer

    • JEE
  • Mr. Jean-Francois (Jeff) LAFORTUNE


    • JEE
  • Mr. Jianning Zheng

    Chief Inspector

    • JEE
  • Jorge Raul Matheu Alvarez

    Project Officer

    • JEE
  • Joseph Posid

    • JEE
  • Mr. Jouni Pousi

    Senior Specialist

    • JEE
  • Ms. Joy Caminade

    • JEE
  • Dr. Julie Sinclair

    CDC One Health Liaison to the OIE

    • JEE
  • Prof. Ken Takahashi


    • JEE
  • Dr. Khalil Khalil

    • JEE
  • Kim Brolin

    • JEE
  • Dr. Lisa Rotz

    Medical Epidemiologist

    • JEE