Roster of experts

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  • Dr. Mbayame Ndiaye Niang

    • JEE

    Technical editor/translator

    • JEE
  • Dr. Dalia Samhouri

    • JEE
  • Lydia Izon-Cooper

    Principal Environmental Public Health Scientist, Centre for Radiation Chemical and Environmental Hazards

    • JEE
  • Prof. Petri Ruutu

    Visiting scientist, consultant

    • JEE
  • Alain Charlie Mbo'o

    Public Health Expert / Manager of PBF Southern Unit

    • JEE
  • Madam. Christie Tiwoda

    Legal expert in public health

    • JEE
  • Christopher Murrill


    • JEE
  • Madam. Fatou Béye

    Head of microbiology section

    • JEE
  • Dr. Fatoumata TRAORE SAMAKE

    • JEE
  • Lalla Moulaty Moulaye

    • JEE
  • Dr. Landry Mayigane

    • JEE
  • Dr. Mara Elma Gonzalez Ortiz


    • JEE
  • Martial Petitclerc

    • JEE
  • Dr. Aloyse Waly DIOUF

    Health Promotion responsible

    • JEE
  • Dr. Boly Diop

    • JEE
  • Elizabeth Bell

    JEE Team Lead

    • JEE
  • Mr. Frederik Anton Copper

    • JEE
  • Guigma Wendmisida Victor Yacinthe

    • JEE
  • Dr. Herbert Schneider

    Chief Executive

    • JEE