Roster of experts

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  • Suriyakumar Mahendara Arnold

    (Public Health, Immunization, Health Emergencies, Law)

    • JEE
  • Elizabeth Serlemitsos

    Project Director

    (RCCE, One Health, Zoonotic Diseases, Emergency Operations Centers)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Juan Francisco Santana Armas

    Chief Medical Quarantine & Vaccination Officer - International Health Department Spanish Government Delegation in the Canary Islands

    (Preventive medicine & Public health)

    • JEE
  • Mr. Izuchukwu Basil

    Research Consultant and Data Analyst at (Nigeria)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Uranchimeg Tsegmed

    Chief Operating Officer & Chair of Radiation Safety Committee & Radiation Oncologist at National Cancer Center of Mongolia at (Mongolia)

    (Radiation Emergency)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Jun Xing

    Unit Head at (World Health Organization (WHO))

    • JEE
  • Dr. Emmanuel NJAMBE T.OPUTE

    Immunization Officer at (World Health Organization (WHO))

    • JEE
  • Dr. Sandip Shinde

    Country Preparedness and IHR Officer at (WHO South-East Asia Region (SEARO))

    • JEE
  • Dr. Salahuddin Sadi

    Technical Officer Immunization at (World Health Organization (WHO))

    (Public health)

    • JEE
  • Shanlong Ding

    • JEE
  • Dr. Mohamed Elhakim

    Technical Officer

    (Medical Epidemiologist - International Health Regulations (IHR))

    • JEE
  • Sara Barragan Montes

    Technical Officer, Border Health and Points of Entry

    (PoE, border health, IHR coordination)

    • JEE
  • Kisoo Park

    • JEE
  • Peter Rzeszotarski

    Branch Chief

    • JEE
  • Mackline Ninsiima


    (JEE Technical Writer/Editor)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Sally-Ann Ohene

    • JEE
  • Dr. Alice Ladu

    • JEE
  • Dr. Chadia Wannous

    Senior Advisor

    • JEE
  • Satyajit Sarkar

    Independent Consultant

    • JEE
  • Dr. Olukayode Fasominu

    Technical Advisor

    • JEE