Roster of experts

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  • Ahmed El Mamy

    • JEE
  • Dr. Rajesh Sreedharan

    • JEE
  • Mr. Nabeel CADER HASSAM

    (Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security)

    • JEE
  • Ms. Catherine Nyamazana

    Public Health Officer & IHR- Points of entry and Border Health - (Airports) at (Zimbabwe)

    (Public Health Expert)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Agathe Auer

    Laboratory Specialist/Scientist at (U.N. Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO))

    (Infection Biology)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Lydia Tabuke

    Global Health Consultant/Health Security/Epidemiologist

    (Global Health )

    • JEE
  • Dr. Hisseine Issa Ramat

    Head of External Dosimetry Division

    (Radiation protection, nuclear physics and dosimetry)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Isabel Lopes de Carvalho

    Researcher, Consultant

    • JEE
  • Mr. Roland K. Wango

    Technical Officer - Preparedness and IHR

    • JEE
  • Dr. Jonas Brant


    (Field Epidemiology )

    • JEE

    UHPR (Universal Health and Preparedness Review) Focal Point at (WHO African Region (AFRO))

    (Epidemiology )

    • JEE
  • Dr. Kadiatou DIALLO



    • JEE
  • Dr. Paolo Roberto Motta

    Veterinary Epidemiologist/Animal Health and Production Specialist at (FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD))

    • JEE


    • JEE
  • Dr. Stephane DE LA ROCQUE

    Team lead at (World Health Organization (WHO))

    (zoonotic disease epidemiology and ecology )

    • JEE
  • Dr. Jesse Bonwitt

    Technical Officer, One Health and Zoonotic Diseases

    • JEE
  • Orapeleng Phuswane-Katse

    Public health Physician-Epidemiologist


    • JEE
  • Dr. Robbin Westerhof

    Senior Advisor Pandemic Preparedness at (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM))

    • JEE
  • Dr. Mohamed Moussif

    Chief Medical Officer at Casablanca International Airport and National Coordinator of the "Points of Entry" programme at the Ministry of Health in Morocco at (Morocco)

    (Points of Entry, Public Health, Global Health Security, IHR, JEE, Travel Health, Aviation Medicine)

    • JEE
  • Dr. Gertrude Chapotera

    Country Preparedness and IHR Officer at (World Health Organization (WHO))

    (Epidemiology and Tropical medicine)

    • JEE