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Indonesia “Pandemic Influenza Epicenter” Simulation Exercise

Date: 19-20 September 2017 Country Indonesia

On 19-20 September 2017, Indonesia has conducted its third “Pandemic Influenza Epicenter” Simulation with the financial and technical support of WHO.  The full-scale exercice, which took place in South Tangerang Municipality of Banten Province, involved the participation of about 800 participants including about 200 observers. Building on the previous events, this simulation exercise covered all components of pandemic risk management with the "whole society" involvement across sectors from the central level to the community, including command and coordination components, Medical Response, Surveillance, Laboratory, Risk Communication, Business Continuity Plan, perimeter control, pharmacy and non-pharmacy interventions, Public-Private partnership as well as civil-military cooperation in pandemic and emerging infection prevention. The simulation, based on a H7N9 virus, also exercised a poultry market closure, the activation of the Business Continuity Plan of BATAN nuclear installation and screening at Soekarno Hatta International Airport and Merak Port.  WHO country office played an active role in the simulated response with a mockup office setup on site; while other members of the WHO team directly supported the conduct, the facilitation and the evaluation of the exercice.