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Indonesia is the first country to pilot the tripartite Joint Risk Assessment (JRA) tool

Date: 13-16 March 2018 Region South-East Asia Region Country Indonesia

The first operational tool for conducting multisectoral risk assessments was piloted in Indonesia from 13-16 March 2018. Over 60 technical and policy level representatives from the human health, animal health, environment, disaster agency, security  and defense sectors levels  came together in Bogor, Indonesia to jointly assess risks from zoonoses, i.e. those diseases that can affect both, and spread between, humans and animals. The workshop, hosted by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, and Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture, with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health(OIE), was the first of its kind and involved national and provincial levels.

The joint risk assessment (JRA) approach used is based on a tool developed by the tripartite, FAO together with the WHO and OIE.  Indonesia was the first country to pilot the new JRA tool. 

“We will now propose JRA as a standard process to intersectoral risk assessment in countries, globally” says Sophie von Dobschuetz, JRA development team focal point from FAO headquarters. “Multisectoral collaboration and JRA are crucial national operational capacities under the IHR” says Elizabeth Mumford, JRA focal point from WHO. 

After integrating feedback from the workshop, the JRA Operational Tool will support the new Tripartite Zoonoses Guide, to be released in summer 2018.

Full story available here.