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Improving public health preparedness and response in the WHO European region

Date: 17-20 September 2018

Health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region as well as partner organizations and civil society met at the 68th session of the Regional Committee in Rome, Italy, on 17–20 September 2018. At this meeting, one of the critical items on the agenda was the “Action plan to improve public health preparedness and response in the WHO European Region”. The action plan is a joint product of WHO, partners and Member States, and supports WHO’s vision of a European Region in which the impact of health emergencies is prevented or minimized. It is aligned with the three pillars of the Five-year global strategic plan to improve public health preparedness and response, 2018–2023: building core capacities under the IHR (2005); strengthening event management; and measuring progress and promoting accountability. Member States voiced a strong support for the plan and its call to work together and across sectors to ensure effective preparedness and response to emergencies. The Regional Action plan was welcomed with appreciation with unanimous adoption of Resolution EUR/RC68/R7 by RC68.