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Improved country preparedness through implementation of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework partnership contribution, 2018

Area of work
Evidence and Analytics for Health Security (EHS)
EHS Theme
International Health Regulations capacity building for emergency preparedness
Multisectoral preparedness coordination
May 24, 2019
All Regions

The pandemic influenza preparedness (PIP) framework is a unique system for access and benefit-sharing adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2011 to strengthen global preparedness for the next influenza pandemic. The PIP partnership contribution (PC) is 1 of 2 benefit-sharing mechanisms established by WHO Member States to address these objectives. The PC is
an annual payment of US$ 28 million to WHO by manufacturers of influenza vaccines, pharmaceuticals and diagnostics that adhere to the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS). With national and donor investments, including under the International
Health Regulations (2005) (IHR), WHO uses PC funds to strengthen pandemic preparedness, especially through the GISRS, which is at the core of the PIP framework.

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