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Global Knowledge Network of IHR National Focal Points Launched to Support Capacity Building

Date: 16-18 April 2019

IHR National Focal Points exchanged experiences and discussed the use of the WHO platform to share best practices at the WHO Global Knowledge Network (GKN) of National IHR Focal Points (IHR NFP) Meeting on April 16-18, 2019 in Lyon, France.

The meeting was conducted by the Learning Solutions and Training (LST) Team, in collaboration with the Official Information and National IHR Focal Points (OIN) Team, with the objective to contribute to strengthening IHR NFP capacities through knowledge creation and knowledge transfer.

Knowledge networks are platforms or forums where peers can exchange experiences, discuss challenges and share best practices. The vision, mission, goals, and principles of the GKN were developed during the WHO Global Meeting on IHR Learning Needs in 2018, which led to the creation of regional knowledge networks in Africa and South-East Asia. The GKN-IHR NFP Meeting was conceptualized as a follow-up, to fuel the momentum for NFPs to communicate, collaborate and learn from each other and provide an update on existing regional initiatives in support of their capacity building.

A total of 51 participants composed of NFPs, partners, and WHO representatives from headquarters, regional, and country offices were in attendance. The meeting started by sharing progress updates and lessons learned in setting up and managing the existing IHR NFP networks and collaborations from the different regions.

The IHR Learning Expo then showcased the different IHR learning initiatives developed by WHO. Eleven booths were hosted by staff from HQ and the Regional Offices, with a focus on the following topics: One Health / Animal-Human Interface, Simulation Exercises and After Action Review, eSPAR (IHR Monitoring and Evaluation), WHO Event Information Site, Innovative Learning for IHR, Transport (Points of Entry), Tourism and Mass Gatherings, IHR Orientation Programme, Operational Readiness, Strategic Partnership for Health, Communities of Practice / NFP Competency Framework, and NFP Guide Revision.

The next two days were devoted to exploring different opportunities by which NFPs and WHO can continue to share experiences to further strengthen IHR implementation. Using the methodology of Open Space Technology, participants were able to set their own agenda, focused on the following specific theme: “How do we best use our collective experiences to strengthen NFPs?”

The GKN-IHR NFP is active on the WHO secure platform for collaboration (Global Knowledge Network of National IHR Focal Points platform in Microsoft Teams).

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