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Evaluation for action – FAO Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET)

In response to a request by African countries in phase 1 of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) developed the Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET) under  the  FAO component of  the  USAID funded  programme  on  GHSA and  Emerging  Pandemic  Threats  phase 2 (EPT2). SET can be used jointly with other existing evaluations such as Joint External Evaluations and Performance of Veterinary Services to provide a comprehensive assessment of national animal disease surveillance systems along 90 indicators evaluated (see SET webpage for details). Following each evaluation mission, a country-specific action plan for improvement is developed by the team of evaluators that include national focal points. As of August 2018, SET evaluation missions have been conducted in 13 countries in West, Central and East Africa and the next phase of the project is to develop a tracking mechanism to follow-up on the recommendations given.

