Kuwait Fund For Arab Economic Development


Fund For Arab Economic Development is the first institution in the Middle East that took an active role in the international development efforts. The objective of the Fund is to assist Arab and other developing countries in developing their economies.

Types of Activities

The Fund extends Loans on concessionary term to finance development projects in the developing countries. The Fund also provides technical assistance to finance the costs of the feasibility studies of projects, as well as the training of nationals of the borrowing countries. In addition, the Fund subscribes in the capital of international and regional development institutions. Today, the Fund forms a solid bridge of friendship and solidarity between the state of Kuwait and the developing nations.

Scope of Operations

The Fund's operations are focused primarily on the development sectors such as: Infrastructure,  Agriculture and Irrigation, Transport and Communications, Energy, Industry, Water and Sewage and Social Development such as Health and Education.

Visit the Kuwait Fund website


Updated on 25 Sep 2024
Donor Profile

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