Japan International Cooperation System (JICS)

Japan International Cooperation System - JICS

As Japanese economy was steadily growing and expanding, and the Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget was also increasing in the 1980's, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in Japan, considered the necessity of establishing the procurement specialized institution that implements a series of services from fund management to procurement management in a fair and neutral manner in order to realize the "visible Japanese aid" in Grant Aid.

At the same time, there was also a pressing need of an organization that supports JICA's services over technical cooperation after the rapid increase in services for procuring machinery and equipment. Based on the ideas of the MOFA and JICA, the first foundation in the procurement field in Japan, JICS was founded in 1989 to be in charge of the procurement services in Grant Aid and Technical Cooperation. 

"Procurement" is to procure necessary goods and services in order to achieve particular objectives by paying the price remuneration, and JICS has been properly and effectively selecting and procuring goods and services required locally in Japan's ODA program and various assistance to developing countries since its foundation. 

In recent years, JICS is engaged in assistance of peace-building and emergency reconstruction after conflicts and disasters, and with regard to the project for facilities improvement, the projects of the management type that conduct progress supervisions of the projects including fund management have been increasing.

Furthermore, JICS's clients have been diverse, and we receive orders of operations not only from governments of Japan and developing countries, but also from international bodies and governments of other donor countries.

Visit JICS website

Updated on 25 Sep 2024
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