Pandemic Tech

PandemicTech is a venture philanthropy: a mission-driven organization that combines venture capital investment and entrepreneurship principles with traditional philanthropic models while creating high impact solutions that prevent, predict, detect, and respond to pandemic infectious disease threats. We identify the most promising innovators on the front lines of fighting Pandemics, help scale these innovations into financially sustainable solutions, and invest in their growth.

PandemicTech believes that local innovators are best equipped to solve local health security challenges impacting their own communities. We support the development of locally driven innovation into financially sustainable solutions that impact local communities and provide opportunities to scale globally. We support the growth of emerging innovation ecosystems creating unique solutions that meet the needs of their communities.

There are going to need to be some smaller solutions that will look different everywhere, because everywhere is different” -- John Oliver, Last Week Tonight, February 14, 2021

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Updated on 25 Sep 2024
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