Santé publique France

Santé publique France, the French national public health agency is a governmental institution reporting to the Ministry of Health. Created in 2016, Santé publique France brings together the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS), the National Institute for Prevention and Health Education, and the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Agency. Santé publique France has the following mission:

  • to co-ordinate and implement public health surveillance;
  • to study the determinants of changes of trends of diseases;
  • to alert national public health authorities on potential threats to health,
  • to assist public health authorities in disease control, prevention and health promotion;
  • to contribute to the response to health alerts and crises.
    The French territory comprises 13 administrative regions. The Regional Units (Cire) represent Public Health France at the regional level and act on behalf of the national agency. In Paris, Public Health France is organized in Departments and one of which is the infectious diseases Department (DMI).

Visit Santé publique France's website

Updated on 17 Oct 2024
Donor Profile


Total Supported Countries


Total number of Contribution Activities

$ 0

Amount of Disclosed Contributions
Source Entity(ies) DESTINATION country Destination Entity Implementing Partner(s) Type IHR TECHNICAL AREAS
  • Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
  • Santé publique France
Western Pacific Region
Australia 2 Donors
  • Technical
1 IHR Technical Areas

Country :