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After Action Review (AAR) results: plague response in Madagascar helped improve national preparedness for subsequent plague season

Area of work
Evidence and Analytics for Health Security (EHS)
EHS Theme
International Health Regulations capacity building for emergency preparedness
Jun 08, 2021
African Region

Plague is endemic in Madagascar. However, in 2017 and 2018, a deadly plague epidemic affected Madagascar’s capital and port cities. When this outbreak receded, the country’s health ministry, with support of WHO, organized an after action review (AAR) in July 2018. Based on the AAR findings and identified priority actions, the health ministry and its partners took steps to coordinate the plague response for the subsequent plague season. Key steps included strengthening regional and local networks, implementing data management and case management procedures, addressing reservoirs and training community health workers. The implementation of priority actions from AAR of the 2017- 2018 outbreak response made a significant difference in Madagascar. During the next plague season, between August 2018 and April 2019, the number of reported cases was ten times lower than during the epidemic in the previous plague season.

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