
Ensure adequately qualified staff


Staff must have adequate training and experience for the position to which they are assigned.


Verify for each staff members if their educational background and their competences comply with the work they are doing. If you detect that a certain staff member is performing tasks for which he/she is not appropriately trained and is lacking competences, this staff member must be sent to an appropriate training. E.g. when a staff member is performing Polymerase Chain Reaction tests (PCR tests) while he/she has never been trained in molecular techniques and PCR specifically, then this staff member must be sent to a training teaching the specifics of PCR.


In determining training needs, think of the following areas:

  • Quality management
  • Safety
  • Computer systems
  • Specific job tasks


In phase 2 the assessment of training needs of staff members will become part of the competency assessment.

How & who

Laboratory Manager:

  1. Start collecting copies of diplomas/certificates of all the education each staff member has completed (including short courses relevant to the work).
  2. Store these in the folder Personnel Files behind the tab of that specific staff member.
  3. Decide, based on the educational background of each staff member and the tasks the staff member is routinely performing, which additional training is needed. If competency assessment is already being done, you can also use the results of these activities to see how staff members perform and if they need additional training.
  4. Identify appropriate courses for each staff member and search funding to finance these.
  5. After participating in the training, each staff member should submit his/her certificate to you; make a copy of this and store this in the folder Personnel Files behind the tab of that specific staff member. Hand the original certificate back to the staff member.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Personnel


ISO15189:2007: 4.1.5 4.12.5 5.1.2 5.1.6 5.1.12
ISO15189:2012: 5.1.5