
Create a procedure for hiring new staff, hiring temporary staff, and having guests


When new staff are needed the laboratory must ensure that the applicant selection is based on pre-defined criteria and that all applicants are judged using the same procedure. When an applicant is hired the laboratory must ensure that the staff is properly induced and that the required data of the staff member is recorded in the correct files (e.g. personnel file needs to be assembled, data needs to be collected for assembling the file, etc.).


Moreover, the procedure for hiring temporary staff (such as students who will perform an internship at the laboratory) may differ from that of hiring permanent staff. When the laboratory receives guests again another procedure needs to be walked-through before the guest can be allowed to enter the laboratory rooms.


Write an SOP for Hiring New Staff, Temporary Staff and Having Guests.


Cover the following procedures and elements:

  • Regarding permanent and temporary staff (note that the following may differ for permanent and temporary staff and that you may have to make two different versions of each procedure):
    • Procedure for defining specific criteria for the vacancy
    • Procedure for drafting and publishing the vacancy
    • Procedure for selecting suitable applicants based on application letters
    • Procedure for inviting applicants and organizing the application interview
    • Procedure for selecting applicants based on the application interview
    • Procedure for hiring suitable applicant, including:
    • Procedure of allowing access of the staff member to the laboratory (including a health check to determine if the guest's health allows for accessing the testing areas)
  • Regarding guests:
    • Procedure of identification and recording of guest details
    • Procedure of recording details of the visit
    • Procedure of allowing temporary access of the guest to the laboratory (including a health check to determine if the guest's health allows for accessing the testing areas)

How & who

Laboratory Manager:

  1. Make a list of elements that the SOP on Hiring New Staff, Hiring Temporary Staff and Having Guests must cover.
  2. Write the SOP following the protocol for writing a Procedure SOP in the Master SOP and use the template for a Procedure SOP attached to the Master SOP.
  3. Review and authorize the SOP according to the procedures in the SOP for Document Control.
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This activity belongs to the QSE Personnel


ISO15189:2007: 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6
ISO15189:2012: 5.1.1 5.1.4