Checklist Phase 2 - Puchasing and Inventory

Does the laboratory have an overview of all the items in stock?


Has the laboratory formulated key specification for each item in stock?


Does the laboratory have an Inventory Control Register that contains the following details:

  • Names of all the items in stock
  • The number of units of each item currently in stock
  • The average number of units used per day of each item
  • The minimum stock level of each item for which a new order must be made
  • Of each item the average number of days before orders arrive at the laboratory
  • The supplier details of each item
  • The key specifications of each item


Is the Inventory Control Register kept up to date by counting the items in stock and comparing this with the number of items shown in the register?


Does the laboratory routinely perform acceptance tests on newly delivered products before they are taken into service?

Ask for evidence.


Does the laboratory have a documented procedure on selecting, ordering, acceptance testing and storing of new reagents and consumables?


Does the laboratory have a documented procedure on maintenance of the stock and inventory system?


Are all supplies stored under the right conditions in the laboratory?


Are records of supplies kept with the following details? [tick off]

  • Name of the supply
  • Preparation date/date of receipt
  • Whether or not acceptance criteria were met and any follow-up actions
  • Opening date (to be filled out when first opened)
  • Expiry date (can often be found on internet if not visible on supply package)
  • Possible safety warnings (Risk (R-) and Safety (S-) sentence numbers) if not indicated already on the supply package


Are all supplies stored such that they cannot fall from shelves or suffer damage in other ways?


In regions where earthquakes are a real risk: are supplies stored in such a way that they cannot be damaged due to an earthquake?


Are all supplies stored according to the first-in-first-out (FIFO) system?


Are all storage areas complying with the safety requirements related to the supplies stored in them?


Do storage areas protect the supplies from external influences such as humidity, light, insects, etc.?


Are all storage areas lockable to prevent unauthorized access?


Are all storage areas labeled with hazard symbols related to the supplies stored in them?


Is a list with R- and S-sentences provided on each storage area where this is relevant?


Do staff members know what R- and S-sentences are and how to find them?

Take a sample by asking some staff members.
