Adding life to years
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Tuen Mun District, Hong Kong

Tuen Mun District, Hong Kong

Under the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project initiated and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University conducted a bottom-up and…

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City population: 48754616.03 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


Republic of Korea

As a senior welfare service in Dobong – gu, we have been proceeding policies to improve the quality of life for seniors, including but not limited to improvement of the…

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City population: 34192823.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

New Plymouth

New Plymouth
New Zealand

New Plymouth District Council has a number of policies addressing how it will become more age-friendly. These include the positive ageing strategy, and accessibility strategy. Council’s Community partnerships team, works…

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City population: 7418423 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


Republic of Korea

❍ 양천구는 양천협의회와 협력하여 2018년 5월 10일 ‘서울 양천구 내 연령친환경도시 개발’이라는 새로운 조례를 공포했다.

❍ 우리시의 슬로건은 “예 (영, 생태, 안전) 양천 ~! 다음 30.”

❍ 노년기의 생동감 넘치는 생활과 안전을…

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City population: 46626718 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



La Ville de Saint-Chamond propose une palette de programmes et de services diversifiés à destination des aînés :

– Une offre sportive : avec le dispositif “Sport’Anim” (une offre promotionnelle permettant…

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City population: 3547025 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Fredericton


Age-Friendly Fredericton
• City of Fredericton Age -Friendly Community Advisory Committee created
o Hosted a ‘World Café Event’ to determine the needs and concerns of local seniors. After reviewing…

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City population: 6000024 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



1) Participation à des projets régionaux ou locaux comme les week-end “Wallonie-Bienvenue” des aînés organisés par la Région wallonne. Des journées seniors en collaboration avec les différentes associations locales (culturelles,…

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City population: 831624 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Tel Aviv Yafo

Tel Aviv Yafo

Tel Aviv-Yafo is a global and multicultural city, the second most populous city in Israel and in the conurbation of the Dan metropolitan area. Since 2000, there has been an…

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City population: 6790015 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Ville de Beresford

Ville de Beresford

Here are the steps and initiatives taken by the municipality:
– The Town of Beresford adheres to the MADA approach
– Creation of a planning committee
– Portrait of seniors…

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City population: 428833.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

San Miguel

San Miguel

San Miguel es un municipio ubicado en el sector sur de la ciudad de Santiago, capital de Chile. Fue fundado en 1896, es 100% urbano, residencial, comercial y…

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City population: 10795418 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Maipú, Chile

Maipú, Chile

The Municipality of Maipú has a Home Medical Program, which provides free quality medical care at home without social or economic requirements, it is for all neighbors giving priority to…

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City population: 52162715 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

La Pintana

La Pintana

La Pintana es una de las 52 comunas que conforman la Región Metropolitana, capital de Chile, que presenta los índices más altos de Santiago en pobreza multidimensional (42,5% de la…

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City population: 17733514 % over 60Joined Network in 2018



A través de su oficina de personas mayores, la Primera Municipalidad de Santiago tiene la misión de promover la participación e integración de las personas mayores, impulsando instancias de formación,…

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City population: 40449511 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


United States of America

The City of Englewood is, by any demographic, one of the most diverse cities in New Jersey. The City already hosts vibrant nonprofit organizations, extraordinary communities of faith, committed civic…

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City population: 2911215.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Town of Ross

Town of Ross
United States of America

The Town of Ross is a general law city which was incorporated in 1908. The Town provides for all municipal services other than utilities and fire protection services. Fire protection…

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City population: 253128 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

City of Norcross

City of Norcross
United States of America

From the Cherokees who first inhabited this land and the farmers and merchants who later helped it become a thriving town, to modern day visionaries who cherish its history while…

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City population: 168459.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Corporation of Shepherdstown

Corporation of Shepherdstown
United States of America

Historic Shepherdstown, the oldest town in the state of West Virginia, nestled in the lower Shenandoah Valley – is only 90 minutes from the Washington/Baltimore metropolitan areas but miles away…

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City population: 1014535.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2018


United States of America

The Town of Londonderry, through its various departments, frequently reviews and revises policies to ensure that the Town is meeting the needs of all our residents, including older people. The…

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City population: 2465619.13 % over 60Joined Network in 2018