Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Yumbel  Chile
Print this page City population: 2119823 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Some examples of activities and programs to benefit the elderly that are currently operating in the commune through the different offices of the Municipality of Yumbel and the Cesfam and Yumbel Hospital are:

  • Sports workshops such as aerobics and yoga, accompanied by educational workshops and health programs that promote a healthy lifestyle and diet; the sports workshops provide a range of benefits, such as ensuring general well-being, controlling weight, reducing body fat, in addition to reducing various pathologies or diseases, such as cardiac alterations or hypertension. Playing sports allows older people to engage in active aging and improves the quality of life of older adults.
  • Dance workshops; the workshops improve the physical and mental health of the elderly because dance helps to reduce stress, improves coordination, balance, resistance, prevents cognitive deterioration and benefits the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Craft workshops; crafts help improve psycho-motor skills, mobility and elasticity of the hands, as well as coordination. In addition the physical benefits, these workshops help improve patience and perseverance, foster self-esteem, enable elderly to feel present in the moment and promote creativity.
  • The Coral workshop; the workshop helps improve memory, attention to detail and motor capacity.
  • Artistic, cultural and recreational activities such as the celebration of the elderly Mother’s Day, mateadas, bingo, celebration of the International Day of Older Persons, recreational trips, Provincial Health Tables, Cueca Championships, among other activities and actions.

All these activities are conducted in order to promote active aging, strengthen integration and participation of elderly in the community, and improve the quality of life of our seniors.

Strategy and Action Plan