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Warm Winter Operation 2022-23 (2022-23年度寒冬送暖結伴行)


Formación en seguridad vial para personas mayores: consejos y participación

Guías por un día – proyecto intergeneracional

Installation of hand railings and seats


Costa Rica

En el cantón de Moravia cuenta con el “Programa de envejecimiento activo y saludable” con los ejes temáticos:
• Área física, emocional, cognitiva y social y cultural.
• Promover la…

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City population: 6325917.09 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Camilo Aldao

Camilo Aldao

La composición poblacional de Camilo Aldao se caracteriza por un elevado porcentaje de personas mayores de 60 años (18%) con un aumento exponencial de personas de 80 años.
En base…

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City population: 519718 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



There are 8 Standing Committees in Sibu Municipal Council in making relevant policies for community in Sibu. After joining this network, Sibu Municipal Council would like to learn about mechanism…

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City population: 28000012.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Penang Island

Penang Island

The state of Penang comprised of Penang Island, where the capital city – George Town – is located, and Seberang Perai (formerly Province Wellesley). Penang island, measuring about 301 square…

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City population: 79431314.87 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



Vienna has nearly two million residents, with over 400,000 aged 60 and over. A wealth of green space, social housing, an excellent health-care system, extensive social welfare services and its…

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City population: 190000022 % over 60Joined Network in 2023



Upplands-Bro is a municipality in Sweden that is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for older adults. As part of our age-friendly initiative, Upplands-Bro has implemented several activities…

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City population: 3185320 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

South Lanarkshire Council

South Lanarkshire Council
ScotlandUnited Kingdom

South Lanarkshire Council is committed to building the capacity of older people and facilitating improved health & wellbeing in older age. One of the ways we do this is through…

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City population: 32263027 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Puerto Gonzalo Moreno-Pando

Puerto Gonzalo Moreno-Pando
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Entre las acciones que se promueven y consideran desde el municipio, se encuentran:

  • Establecer las bases de atención, orientación y los procedimientos prácticos consideradas como estándares mínimos que deben ser impulsados…

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City population: 816060 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Promoting community support and health services for all ages in Saitama, Japan

Provision of a “Home Fire Safety Check”


「智」樂長者 Fun Activities for Older Persons


Wellbeing Support Service


Active Ageing Center


Local Emergency Planning Guide for Older Persons