Adding life to years
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Shopping Service; called “Tochikubo Shopping Club” for aged people in Tochikubo area, Hadano city


Política Cantonal para la Atención Integral de la Persona Adulta Mayor

Ulsan Metropolitan City

Ulsan Metropolitan City
Republic of Korea

울산광역시: 개요

  • 울산은 또한 전 세계적으로 볼 수 있는 인구 고령화 추세를 경험하고 있습니다. 노인 인구는 현재 10 %를 초과하고 있으며, “노인 인구”(예 : 베이비 붐 세대)에 진입하는 개인의 비율이 점점…

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City population: 110000023 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Chilgok-gun (Chilgok Community)

Chilgok-gun (Chilgok Community)
Republic of Korea

A summary of legislation and enactment of contents for the welfare of older citizens includes;

  • Ordinance on the Formation of an Age-Friendly City in Chilgok-gun
  • Ordinance on the Promotion of Welfare for…

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City population: 11750421.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2020


Republic of Korea

Namhae-gun has established the vision of a “Vital 100 year old city, Treasure Island Namhae” in line with the top eight WHO guidelines

According to the vision, eight areas encompassed by…

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City population: 4377246 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

City of Sejong

City of Sejong
Republic of Korea

Sejong City is a relatively young city, with persons aged 65 or older accounting for approximately 10% of the total population. However, to respond proactively to global ageing and urbanization…

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City population: 38277015.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Nowon Gu(District)

Nowon Gu(District)
Republic of Korea

Nowon-gu strives to be a ‘Healing City, Nowon’, and realize it’s vision of ‘Living Healthy at 100’. To achieve this vision, Nowon-gu has established three main sectors named ‘Nowon, vibrant…

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City population: 50009426.84 % over 60Joined Network in 2019



Entre las actividades amigables dirigidas a las personas mayores hasta ahora desde el Ayuntamiento de Rota destacan las siguientes:

Rota es ya Ciudad Solidaria con el Alzheimer y Ciudad Amiga, ya…

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City population: 3089743.27 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Acessibilidade nos Transportes


No Porto a Vida é Longa


Rua Direita

Estamos Juntos

Jornadas CAPI – Cidade Amiga das Pessoas Idosas


Contas à Vida

Porto Importa-se

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